Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Do you think my PO will be hot????

Notice to all my party friends. Take a cab fool!!!

So as it happens April 19th after a stellar tax season with over a 7% increase I went out to celebrate and play some pool with some local NM friends. After a wonderful night of some adult beverages and 4th place in the pool tournament I proceeded to give a friend a ride home.

Now if you don't know the lovely city of Albuquerque the West Mesa can be nice, but on the South side of Interstate 40 it is rough territory. Pretty much the Mexican hood one could say and Lisa lived right in the middle of this. Wouldn't you know it APD was out in full force and they selected me, yes me the one with the TX plates to pull over.

Now I don't understand these idiots that have been drinking and RUN when they see those lights. What you think you'll out run the entire squad, plus the helicopters, and the dogs. You dumb ass you!!!

But I digress...So anyway I can say from experience that I do not run. I pulled over and said "well %&*$#"!!! "Hi officer why yes I have had only about 3 beers tonight" Wrong answer!!! Do not try to make it seem like you only drank a little, because in legalize this is known as an admission of guilt. Who knew!!!

So anyway as you can imagine things went down hill from here and I ended up spending a very sleepless night in lockup with a Motley Crue to say the least. I'll save that for another blog.

So now fast forward to 5 months later when you are finally brought to trail. Now I've already spent $4000 on my attorney. (Thank god for a good year because you now know where my bonus check has gone!!) Lost my license and have a lovely NM license with "Interlock License" in big red letters across the front. I have to give my truck a blow job to start it up and while I'm driving. Seems it has already thought you might get someone else to blow before you start so it retests while you are driving!!! I also had to pay for the privilege to blow my truck and pay rent on this thing every month!!

So I have been screened by the court. Apparently I do not rate as high as Paris or Lindsey because rehab was not required according to my screening.

I have to pay court costs, the MADD victim panel next week (I can take a guest anyone want to come along), community service, DWI school, and next week I get to meet my Parole Officer.
So you think he'll be hot?? With my luck chances are it'll be a chick. And sorry all you that were saying maybe it could happened if I didn't flip to the lesbo side in the big house it just ain't gonna happen. Sorry you can all take your money off the table.

Long story short. I love you guys. Have fun!! Drink up if you want to, but call cab!!! It just isn't worth it!!